Kobo Resources: The Untapped Gold Exploration Potential of Cote d'Ivoire
Kobo Resources (TSXV:KRI) operates in central Côte d'Ivoire, only a few kilometers from Perseus Mining’s Yaouré Gold Mine (274koz – 2023), the second largest operating gold mine in the country.
Kobo's main objective is the exploration and development of the Kossou Gold Project, which covers 146 square kilometers. Its Kossou Gold Project is located 22 kilometers to the northwest of the capital city of Yamoussoukro and 250 kilometers from the financial capital of Abidjan and is accessible primarily on paved roads or good secondary roads.
Kobo has only explored 15% of the entire Kossou permit and recently identified very high gold soil geochemistry anomalies at the newly discovered Kadie Zone, which will soon be explored as part of the company’s upcoming drill program.
Full note: https://capital10x.com/emerging-gold-kobo-resources-the-untapped-potential-of-cote-divoire