QA/QC/QP Compliance

Rock Sample and Trench Sample Analytical Procedures

All rock samples collected between 2020 and 2022, with the exception of samples 006801 to 007463 and 006706 to 006736, were analysed at ALS Laboratories in Yamoussoukro. The samples were prepared using ‘’PREP-31B’’ (Crush to 70% less than 2mm, riffle split off 1kg, pulverise split to more than 85% passing 75 microns). After which samples were analysed for gold using ‘’Au-AA26’’ (by fire assay and AAS 30g sample) and for multi-element assay using ‘’ME-ICP61’’.

All samples analysed at the SGS facility in Yamoussoukro using a 50 g Fire Assay with an AA finish (FAA505 with prep code PRP87). Samples assaying greater that 5.0 g/t Au were re-submitted for Fire Assay with Gravimetric finish (FAG505). Those values were considered final. All QAQC control samples returned values within acceptable limits. SGS is 17025 accredited and are completely independent from Kobo.

RC Sampling Analytical Procedures

One meter composite samples of RC chips were sent to the MSA Labs facility in Yamoussoukro where the entire sample was dried and split into 500 g subsample for analysis (prep code CRU-CPA). Sample splits were then analysed for gold using PhotonAssayTM (CPA-Au1). QAQC procedures for the drill program include ion of a certificated standards every 20 samples, a blank every 20 samples and a duplicate sample (split of the 1 m original sample) every 20 samples. All QAQC control samples returned values within acceptable limits. MSALabs are ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 certified and are completely independent from Kobo. 

Diamond Drill Sampling Analytical Procedures
Drill core was logged and sampled by Kobo personnel at site. Drill cores were sawn in half, with one half remaining in the core box and the other half secured into new plastic sample bags with sample number tickets. Samples are transported to the SGS Côte d’Ivoire facility in Yamoussoukro by Kobo personnel where the entire sample was prepared for analysis (prep code PRP86/PRP94).  Sample splits of 50 grams were then analysed for gold using 50g Fire Assay as per SGS Geochem Method FAA505. 

Review of Technical Information 

The scientific and technical information on this website has been reviewed and approved by Paul Sarjeant, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Persons as defined in National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Sarjeant is the President and Chief Operating Officer and Director of Kobo.